Intent to participate in RoboCup Junior 2001 7-9 August 2001 Seattle, USA This is a non-binding indication that you intend to participate in RoboCup Junior 2001. The cost to enter is US$50 per team, which will be billed to you at the time of registration (15 June 2001). The registration is binding. Please fill out the form below and return via email to: Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------- Team name: __________________________________________________ Name of contact: ____________________________________________ Contact details (for contact person listed above): street1: __________________________________________________ street2: __________________________________________________ street3: __________________________________________________ city: _____________________________________________________ state/province: ___________________________________________ zip/post code: ____________________________________________ email address: ____________________________________________ phone: ____________________________________________________ fax: ______________________________________________________ Team: number of members: ________________________________________ names, ages and T-SHIRT SIZES* of members: 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ (add more as needed) *Note: T-shirt sizes are adult (S-M-L-XL-XXL) or child (S-M-L) Age group**: [ ] primary (grades K-6, age 12 and under) [ ] secondary (grades 6-12, age 12-18) [ ] tertiary (undergraduates, age 18 and over) **Note: The age groups are loosely defined and will vary slightly from one country to another. Borderline decisions should be made on the basis of level of schooling rather than age. For example, European high school students who are 19 should register for the "secondary" age group, while American undergraduates who are 19 should register for the "tertiary" age group. We leave it to the discretion of team mentors to make appropriate decisions. Challenge events***: [ ] SOCCER [ ] RESCUE [ ] DANCE ***Note: Teams may enter one, two or all three challenges. Workshop: There will be a workshop held on August 9, 2001. All Junior participants are invited to attend. Students and teachers are encouraged to prepare 15 minute presentations on topics related to RoboCup Junior. This may include description of the team's preparation for the event, novel hardware/software developed by the team, curriculum developed by teachers, etc. Deadline for paper submissions is 1 June 2001. Details may be found at: [ ] yes, I'd like to attend the workshop [ ] yes, I'll probably submit a paper [ ] no, I'd rather not attend the workshop