RoboCup Junior 2001

DANCE rules


Robots perform to music for up to two minutes.

Robots may be of any size.

Costumes are encouraged.

Teams must bring a CD or audio cassette tape of their robots' music. Teams are strongly encouraged to bring a good quality audio tape that contains only the music for their program on it. Their music should begin at the beginning of the tape (after a silent leader of a few seconds) and should end after no more than two minutes. Their tape should be clearly labeled with their team's name on it.

One human team member will start each robot, either by hand or remote control. Teams are very strongly encouraged to program their robot to begin its dance a few seconds after the music starts. This is because it is extremely difficult to judge precisely when the music will begin after the "play" button is pressed on a CD or tape player. It is hard to time the robot's choreography without knowing exactly when the music will begin. A human who is listening can start up the robot at the right time, after hearing the beat for a few seconds.

Human team members may perform along with their robots, but must not touch them after they have been started, for the duration of the performance.

Dance performances will judged by a panel of referees. Judging criteria will include:

The Dance challenge is intended to be very open-ended!! Show off your creative side!!

last updated: 18 February 2001 (eis)

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