Running StarOffice on Linux

David installed StarOffice 5.1 in /usr/local/bin/Office51/bin/soffice on several of our machines (medusa and muse). Pablo had previously installed it under /home/p/demo/demo/bin/soffice. Use Pablo's install since it is universally available (though if you happen to be at medusa or muse, it's faster to run the /usr/local... instead, since it is a local copy rather than over NFS).

Just type /home/p/demo/demo/bin/soffice in a shell window. The first time you run this, you'll get an installer. Do what it says; then the suite will start.

If you don't like all that typing, add this to your $HOME/.cshrc file:

     setenv PATH ${PATH}:/home/p/demo/demo/bin

You can also do this in $HOME/.cshrc:
     alias soffice /home/p/demo/demo/bin/soffice

StarOffice is also available for Win32; see Sun's site for details.
Last modified: Tue Aug 29 16:44:33 EDT 2000
Author: abucci